Foreign Investment

Leading expertise in the market

For us, globalization is not merely a buzzword but a growing trend that impacts our elite clientele. Currently, investors around the globe who seek the best investment opportunities need assistance from local legal experts with regard to aggressive negotiations with local authorities. Moreover, government bodies strive to attract new investors who will undoubtedly bring in much-needed foreign revenue while creating job opportunities for people. Africa and Asia are sought after destinations of investments for Western businesses.

We have in-depth knowledge of Sri Lanka’s legal system along with the expertise to assist foreign investors looking to establish or expand their businesses on our shores. We field a team comprising of investment lawyers specialising in foreign exchange laws and regulations, foreign ownership restrictions, investment incentives etc. and are familiar with the practical nuances involved with investing in Sri Lanka, investor protection and repatriation of income and the channelling of proceeds of such investments.

We provide a range of legal services that cater to our clients; needs and requirements, from conducting initial due diligence to ensuring post-investment compliance. The team has a good working relationship with the regulators and is well equipped to assist foreign investors when dealing with the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka and the Department of Foreign Exchange if and when required.

Awards & Recognition

“White & Case has an expert asset finance team advising numerous
international clients. Its established presence in the European and North
American asset finance space is complemented by a growing strength in Asia”
Chambers Global 2021

“They know aviation finance inside and out, they’re very responsive and they
provide good client service,” – client feedback
Chambers Global 2021

Top 5 Aviation Law Firms Globally
AirFinance Journal Legal Survey 2018, 2019, 2022, 2021

Key Contacts

Managing Partner

Senior Partner


Senior Partner

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The Firm provides legal counsel in all aspects of foreign and local investment on approval from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and the Board of Investment. The firm also offers legal expertise on specific incentives and exemptions granted by the BOI in relation to Taxation and Banking and businesses.

Key Contacts


Senior Partner

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Consult Our Experts

Our expert team of partners and leading lawyers offer services across extensive practice areas and ensure our clients receive optimal legal advice. They have the capacity to handle everything from intricate cases to crucial disputes, providing top-tier solutions with unwavering dedication and expertise.