Privacy and Data Security

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

In the 21st century era of the Global Village, protecting digital assets is mandatory for businesses and individuals alike. At D.L & F. De Saram, we are dedicated to equipping our clients with the knowledge and understanding of both the local and international legal landscape, that constantly evolves with technological advancements and regulatory standards.


From Risk Management to CyberSecurity compliance our services in this complex field extend to Data Protection Laws in Sri Lanka, developing Cybersecurity policies and procedures and meeting industry standards through compliance.


While safeguarding digital assets is a salient feature of CyberSecurity it also involves protecting our Client’s Right to Privacy in Sri Lanka. Personal data protection is a common cause for concern both domestically and internationally. Our team of experts look beyond compliance with such issues through the initiation and recommendation of long-term strategies to mitigate data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Awards & Recognition

“White & Case has an expert asset finance team advising numerous
international clients. Its established presence in the European and North
American asset finance space is complemented by a growing strength in Asia”
Chambers Global 2021

“They know aviation finance inside and out, they’re very responsive and they
provide good client service,” – client feedback
Chambers Global 2021

Top 5 Aviation Law Firms Globally
AirFinance Journal Legal Survey 2018, 2019, 2022, 2021

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Consult Our Experts

Our expert team of partners and leading lawyers offer services across extensive practice areas and ensure our clients receive optimal legal advice. They have the capacity to handle everything from intricate cases to crucial disputes, providing top-tier solutions with unwavering dedication and expertise.